first post
Windsor NguyễnLast updated: November 9th, 2024, 2:20 pm EST.
I've always wanted to start a blog. I think it's a good way to document my thoughts and share ideas with others.
Writing a blog also helps you understand concepts better: if you're willing to present your ideas to the world, it better be correct!
It'll also be interesting to see how I evolve throughout the years. I really should have started a blog a long time ago.
It's surprising difficult to create a blogging website from scratch and even more difficult to write good blog posts. I didn't even knew that "MDX" was a thing. I guess this is why it's good to build stuff from scratch.
I learned how to write by reading articles from and the New York Times, to name a few. One thing I noticed was that they kept each "paragraph" to be 2-3 sentences long.
This seems to help with keeping the user engaged. It also makes the writer more conscious about structuring the way they present their ideas, so I'll adopt this heuristic for the blog.
I plan to share my thoughts on a variety of things. Most of the posts will be related to AI, or whatever it is I'm currently working on. I'll occasionally write about some interesting shower thoughts.
If you're an early reader, you're probably not impressed with the current state of the blog. I promise I'll add in some more features in the future!
Stuff like an RSS feed, a search bar, and a comment system (maybe?) are all important for a healthy blogging website. I'll also tidy up the UI a bit.
Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks for taking the time to read this.